
Our integration
TradingView is a social network of 30 million traders and investors using the world's best charts and tools to spot trading opportunities across global markets.
With our integration you’ll get access to unique market insights from the largest community of active traders and investors in the world.
Advanced trading & charting features
Our integration with TradingView allows users to access professional trading tools and interactive charting features to perform technical analysis and find the best trades.
Track crypto prices in real-time
Track real-time intraday market quotes on crypto to ensure accurate technical analysis and to spot trading opportunities.
Trade directly in Brave
Access our lowest fee tier structure with Active Trader by connecting to Gemini as your preferred crypto broker on TradingView.
How to connect to Gemini on TradingView
Step 1 - On TradingView you can search for Gemini products in the ticker search using the prompt "GEMINI:"
About TradingView
TradingView is where the world charts, chats, and trades markets in real time. Features include an advanced charting platform and a vibrant social network for traders and investors to share ideas, live stream, and participate in community chat rooms.
Analyze trading ideas
Analyze trading ideas, tips, and strategies that can improve your trading and get the latest market outlook from popular traders.
Intra-day market quotes
Get real-time intraday market quotes on TradingView. Select from thousands of tickers using a comprehensive list of stocks, currencies, futures, and other assets.
Access to professional traders scripts
Learn the most popular trading strategies on TradingView to increase your success rate by choosing the most effective trading methods.
Gemini partners
Gemini is partnering with leading brands in cryptocurrency and beyond. View all partners